Apple releases Safari Technology Preview 112 with improvements and bug fixes

Safari Technology Preview

In 2016, Apple released an experimental version of the Safari Web browser, Safari Technology Preview. The idea was to test the future features that the browser would have that would finally work on the different devices of the company. Since then it has not been discontinued and continues with updates. We meet the version 112 which includes improvements and bug fixes from previous versions.

Apple released the new version of Safari Technology Preview yesterday. We are in version 112 of this experimental browser whose function is to act as a guinea pig to see the news that will later be implemented in the final versions of the Safari browser.

With this update (available for macOS Catalina and Big Sur) we found bug fixes and performance improvements for many applications. Web Inspector, Extensions, CSS, JavaScript, SVG, Media, WebRTC, WEB API, Text Manipulation and Storage. The current version of Safari Technology Preview is based on the new Safari 14 update included in macOS Big Sur. It highlights the support for Safari Web extensions imported from other browsers, tab previews… etc;

You can get this new update as long as you have previously downloaded this browser beforehand. You must also be willing to share comments on the use of each of the functions it has, to aspire to be included in the final versions of the browser. Does not require a developer account to be able to use it, although it is true that it is mainly intended for them.

If you want to be among the first to test the functionalities of the future Safari that the new macOS Big Sur will bring, don't think twice and go to the official page that Apple dedicates to it. Keep in mind that if you want to try it in the next macOS, you must have installed macOS 11 Beta.

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