Activate the Mac unlock again with the Apple Watch in macOS Big Sur

Unlock Mac Apple Watch

Many users are those who are seeing how the option to unlock the Mac does not perform the task once macOS Big Sur is installed And this is not an exclusive problem for a few users, there are many who are asking about this failure in the practical automatic unlock function.

In this sense we have to say that it has also happened to us on the MacBook and once the new version was installed the function was not active, so we checked that it was not a problem with the equipment or the clock and we activated it again. Now the unlock function with the Apple Watch works perfectly.

Activate unlocking again using Apple Watch

The only thing we have to take into account to perform this task is to have the Apple Watch on the wrist and with the screen active at the time of performing the process. With this we simply have to follow the common activation steps that are done from the System Preferences.

So we go to System Preferences> Security and privacy> General> Use your Apple Watch to unlock the Mac. At this point you have to have the clock with the active screen and close to the Mac for it to work. Obviously we have to open the padlock on the bottom left with the Mac password to access the setting. Once the adjustment is made, we can close the padlock again and our Apple Watch will unlock the Mac as it always did since macOS Sierra to date.

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      Hannibal Abad said

    I did it and it still doesn't work for me

         Jordi Giménez said


      repeat the process because it has to work

      Are you up to date on all devices?

      Aner said

    I repeat it ad nauseam and it doesn't work for me ...

    I have updated my Watch Series 4 and my Mac mini and nothing ... I have also restarted the devices but no ...

    However, with my MacBook Pro, which I have not yet upgraded to Big Sur, I have no problems

         David said

      Hi Aner,

      Is your Mac mini from mid-2013 or later and has macOS 10.13 or later?

           Aner said

        Yes, it's a little over a year old (bought new), and it's updated to the latest version of Big Sur

             Jordi Giménez said

          Let's see if this helps you Aner,

          It is strange that it does not work for you if the equipment is compatible, all the software is up to date and the two-factor authentication activated.


               Aner said

            Well yes, weird ... I have done the link and it comes out that my computer only supports automatic unlocking (in fact I had no problems with it before BigSur)

               Julian Alonso said

            As much as I try every time I activate it with the  watch I get a message that my Mac could not connect with the watch, and that it is on, on my wrist and unlocked, it may be because this in beta?

      Marcelo said

    Like everyone else who comments… no, it doesn't work. With all the evidence there and to be. It just doesn't work.