XNUMXth beta for macOS Big Sur developers

Big Sur

The new beta version of macOS Big Sur for developers reaches the sixth version and in it the typical bug fixes, fixes of errors detected in the previous version and few other changes are added. In this sense, the latest beta versions of macOS and the rest of Apple's operating systems become versions focused on the direct improvement of stability and security. The changes and novelties usually arrive in the first versions and then you only have to polish them to the maximum so that once the official version is launched in a massive way it has the minimum possible errors.

There is little left for the final version of macOS 11

And we are seeing how one by one the new beta versions of the rest of the operating systems are arriving and in the case of our Macs the same thing happens. Apple is accelerating the releases of beta versions and possibly this beta 6 released for developers is the one that directly precedes the GM (Golden Master) which is the definitive version of the operating system but without being released to the general public.

In these years the versions of macOS beta for developers have improved a lot and now it is more difficult to find major bugs or problems when we install these developer versions on our Mac, yes, it is best to wait for the beta version for registered users to arrive. the public beta program. In any case, you have to be careful with beta versions since may show incompatibility with some tools, applications or services that we use in our day to day.

The beta 6 version for developers can already be downloaded for a few hours by accessing the System Preferences on Mac.

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