Which is better: Spotify or Apple Music? Well… it depends

Apple Music Spotify

Technology advances by leaps and bounds, year after year, which makes Each user can enjoy the best services. Because of the variety that exists, it can be difficult for many to decide which service offers the best deals. Today we will answer the following question: Which is better: Spotify or Apple Music?

In the music platform market, without a doubt, Spotify and Apple Music are the most significantTo choose the best one for you, you must carefully analyze the characteristics that each one presents, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Below, we show you everything you need to know about the subject.

The apps that dominate the world of music

To make a proper and in-depth comparison between Apple Music and Spotify, you have to take into account numerous elements. In addition to these, The individual perception of each user will also help to choose the best one..

The competition between these platforms is not limited only to the music they offer, as their development has turned them into ecosystems. Spotify has More than 240 million paid subscribers around the world, in addition to all users who use their free option.

Some years ago, Apple Music was the leading music streaming giant, however, Spotify has managed to get aheadThe constant comparison between these two services has led the recording industry to reach record levels of digital revenue.

All this has made deciding which is better between Spotify and Apple Music is becoming more and more complicated. We encourage you to continue reading to learn more about these streaming music giants.

Spotify vs. Apple Music

The content available in each of them is the most relevant data to choose which one is the winner. There are less demanding people, for whom Spotify and Apple Music are completely valid without distinction.

These users will have no problem finding the song they want at any given time. On the other hand, for the public with a more specific musical taste, this is a notable aspect to consider.

Mac not playing music in Apple Music

Repertoire size

It is a fact that the quality of a music platform's service is measured by the number of songs available. Spotify has a repertoire of over 100 millions of songs, and are added daily. With these numbers, it is clear what a monster Spotify represents compared to the competition.

But Apple Music is not far behind, Since 2022, the company announced that he had also achieved The magic number of 100 million songs.

Apple is characterized by exclusivity, something that has also been transferred to the musical field it offers. This is thanks to the fact that The Californian company reaches agreements with major artists to have exclusivity with their songs and albumsThis makes songs that are not yet on the market available to users who use Apple Music.


The Podcast, a type of content that, without seeing it coming, is increasingly becoming a part of what the public consumes. There are a variety of programs that you can enjoy on applications like Apple Podcasts and others. Spotify also has a space reserved for certain podcasts that have gained relevance.


Internet users are looking for convenience on their devices at all times and to have everything they listen to in one app. This is in favor of Spotify, by including everything in the service that it is capable of providing.

It is likely that in the future, audio content will be combined to make it easier for users to use. Something recent for many is that Spotify launched its own podcast app. This is intended merge all content creators into one app under the same platform philosophy.

Compatible devices Spotify and Apple Music

Something that will make Spotify or Apple Music stand out above the other is compatibility with current devices on the market. Apple has always been a company that prefers to maintain a closed ecosystemBut in an effort to keep up with Spotify, it made Apple Music available on most devices.

The bitten apple platform is an independent service from the old iTunes application, where it was originally located. Apple Music is free to download outside of Apple devices. This means you can use it on:


  • iPhone.

  • iPad.

  • Poppy.

  • Apple TV.

  • Watch Apple.

  • Android.

  • Windows.

  • PlayStation.

  • XBOX.

  • Google Nest speakers.

  • Web browsers.

  • Samsung SmartTV.

  • LG SmartTV.

  • Amazon Alexa.

  • Are S.

You can use Spotify both with the web player and through the app. It is present in the following products:


  • Android.

  • Windows.

  • PlayStation.

  • XBOX.

  • Google Nest speakers.

  • Web Browsers.

  • Samsung SmartTV.

  • LG SmartTV.

  • Amazon Alexa.

  • Are S.

  • iPhone.

  • iPad.

  • Poppy.

  • SpotifyConnect.

  • AirPlay connection.


Spotify includes AI Playlist, a feature you shouldn't miss

Aesthetics are important in every aspect, and even more so when it comes to two music platforms that are on par. This is possibly the aspect that can help people choose between them.

Desktop interface

In both cases, there is Mac and Windows applicationsHere we believe that Spotify is the winner, You will see a bar with different sections on the left side. You will have access to personalized and shared lists that you can organize according to your taste.

You can also go to the section Explore to be able to access new music depending on your preference. Apple Music has an app where you can access the music library. The detail is that a sidebar with the lists you have made would be necessary.

Mobile interface

Your phone is probably where you spend the most time, which makes Companies need to improve the mobile version. The Spotify version has at the bottom Tabs that allow you to quickly access your favorite lists and library.

In the iPhone version of Apple Music, you will find Tabs at the bottom that integrate the library with the “For you” section, the radio and the same attemptingIt also features smart access on the main screen to take you to content played in the past.

And that's all! We hope we've been helpful. Let me know in the comments which app you prefer and if you know anything else related to the topic.

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