We already have an official date for macOS Big Sur!

Too many days after his presentation at a summer event we finally have the official date for the release of the final version of macOS Big Sur, in this case it will be for next Thursday, November 12. It seemed that this final version never arrived but after the last Release Candidate version, it was evident that we were close to the official launch and today the date is known.

Just in case anyone forgets the compatibility of this new version macOS Big Sur with computers From Apple we share again the list with the equipment compatible with this renewed operating system is the following:

  • MacBook 2015 and later
  • MacBook Air 2013 and later
  • MacBook Pro 2013 and later
  • Mac min 2014 and later
  • 2014 and later iMac
  • IMac Pro from 2017 to current model
  • The Mac Pro in all its versions since 2013

So it is quite clear that Apple was waiting for the arrival of these new Macs with an M1 processor and not A14X as the rumors prior to its launch indicated to launch the update. Now we will need to prepare our Macs well to carry out this update so first of all and before we forget we advise to make a complete backup of the Mac and then we will see whether to update directly or install the system from scratch.

The new macOS will arrive with important changes and it is possible that developers have work ahead to make this version compatible with their software so beware of launching directly to update. In principle we should not have problems but we already know what happens when there are such important changes, the best is make sure our software is ready for the new version and then update as soon as possible to enjoy news and improvements in security, performance, and more.

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      jimmyimac said

    Let's see if you get a post on how to update from zero xk I have several bugs that we will see if they disappear.

         Jordi Giménez said

      Good morning Jimmy iMac,

      of course!

      All the best