The final version of macOS Mojave 10.14.1 now available

On October 24, the guys from Cupertino launched the fifth beta corresponding to the next macOS Mojave update number 10.14.1, a beta that a week later has been replaced by the macOS Mojave final version, an update that is released a few hours after the introduction of the new MacBook Air and Mac Mini.

The main novelty that macOS 10.14.1 offers us is found in group video calls through FaceTime, group video calls that allow us to get in touch with up to 32 interlocutors together. This feature should have arrived with the release of the final version of Mojave, but due to last-minute problems, the company was forced to delay it.

Since Apple launched the final version of macOS Mojave, on I'm from Mac, we have made several tutorials to show you what each of the new functions that it offers us, such as the operation of the file stacks, recently opened apps displayed on the dock, the dark and light mode… Besides explaining how we can continue installing third party apps sourced from authorized developers, a feature that Apple removed a couple of years ago.

Another novelty that macOS Mojave offers us, we find it in the update system, a system that completely dispenses with the Mac App Store and that happens to be found within the system preferences, specifically in Software Updates.

In this way, it is easier to quickly identify if the update that we have pending to install on our computer corresponds to an application or a system update, something that Apple should have done a few years ago, in order to prevent users from delaying the installation of them.

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      Xavier said

    Hello, I have an imac from the end of 2015 and the new mojave 10.14.1 update has left my bluetooth without being able to deactivate it and without the possibility of recognizing devices: keyboard, mouse, etc. I've tried restarting bluetooh, deleting files from "" and it doesn't fix the problem. The deactivation option appears in the menu as activated but grayed out and inaccessible. And activated the system of recognition of functional errors in mac and the check gives it correct. Can something be done?