Maybe at some point in your life you needed to know German, or just now you would like to start learning it and you don't know where to start. It is true that the easiest and fastest way to learn a language is by living in the country where that language is spoken natively, but today we present you with a complete compilation of the best applications to learn German, so that you can learn the language of various different learning styles.
Some people learn languages by watching television, reading or listening to music, and also, most of these people are more capable of reading and understanding the language, than being able to speak or write it, and therein lies the big difference, between mastering a language, or not doing it.
Normally, to know the language level of a person, these four parts are examined, spoken, written, read and listening comprehension.
Therefore, in today's list of applications, I bring you different applications that address the language in these four areas. And although some may fall a little short in some section, another application makes up for it. Let's see them!
Drops application of drops
Drops is a visual learning app, which focuses on vocabulary training. In it, we have to match each word with its image, which makes it a fun and relaxed way to learn, since we do it by playing
If you have a good visual memory, you will learn quickly with this method...
Every day, the Drops app will remind us to spend 5 minutes of our time studying the language a little.
Although it is true that the application is free, and perhaps this version is enough, we have a premium, paid version, where the game time is unlimited, we will have offline access to the application and pronunciation listening tests, something very important.
Drops is a great app to develop your German vocabulary, no matter if you are a beginner or already a bit more advanced.
You will find the application in the application store of Apple for free and the premium version for 5 euros per month.
Babbel is the interactive language learning app professional, beautifully designed, and clean.
Before starting to use the application, they ask us a questionnaire to find out our level and place us in the correct course for it.
Application recommends a daily use of 5 to 60 minutes, to practice all aspects of the language. In fact, there are several reminders throughout the day to keep us consistent in studying.
Babbel offers a complete course to learn business-focused German. Perhaps this application is the most professional of the list of the best applications to learn German, simple to use and effective. By the way, we also have live classes.
we found her in the App Store with a free lesson, and then 8 euros per month.
Memrise Easy Language
Memrise is similar to Drops, a great app for learning vocabulary. We will also learn phrases, being able to adjust the level in seven different levels of difficulty.
The application uses a spaced repetition system, in which They teach you new words and phrases, and they bring them back to the fore in due time, just at the right moment to remember them and not forget them.
We also have the option of choosing the vocabulary we want to learn by topic.
We will find the application for free in the App Store, and once again, we have a premium option available for 8,99 euros a month.
Yabla, we learn through videos
Yabla is a interactive language learning app video based which focuses on linguistic immersion. It has a great variety of videos, and we can choose between different themes and levels.
The video player is customizable, being able to slow down the video, put subtitles, even play with different aspects of the video to test your understanding of it.
The app, or rather its concept is good, but maybe they should update some of their videos a bit. Perhaps it is the weakest of this list of the best applications to learn German in our iPhone.
The application is found in the App Store for free for 15 days. Then we would have to pay 11,95 euros per month.
This app is also based on the learning through video. But this time the videos are more current TV shows and movies, in fact, we have a base of more than 1000 different types of content.
The application adjusts to the level of the user, you can modify the difficulty of the videos, the speed of the games, activate or deactivate subtitles...
If you want to give this application a try, from the list of the best applications to learn German, we have a seven-day free trial, after which it costs 10,89 euros per month.
This learning app is quite complete, focusing on this occasion on vocabulary and grammar, through comprehension exercises and oral and written expression.
Maybe it's one of the best, but the best free german learning app.
When we start the application for the first time, we can voluntarily perform a ten-minute test to check the level we have, and thus, the application adjusts the difficulty to our level.
We have a free version, but if you like it, maybe you should give the paid version a try, because we can customize the curriculum, spending between 5 and 20 minutes a day to get the most out of it.
According to data from the application itself, more than one hundred million people use this learning method every day, since in its paid version, we have the native speaker option.
In addition, you can download your classes or your study plan, to be able to use it offline.
We have the application in the App Store in its free version or premium version for 6,66 euros per month.
Pimsleur Study Languages
Pimsleur is one of the audio-focused study methods. In fact, it's one of the best. audio applications that we have available to learn the language. We can adjust the level, among the 5 difficulty options that they give us, which have more than 80 hours of exercises to improve our oral comprehension.
On this occasion, the time that we will have to invest in the application to study the language is a little higher, which They set in about 30 minutes.
As it is focused on speaking and oral comprehension, we will have to repeat the words heard during the transmission.
Pimsleur is ideal for those users who want to focus on having a conversation, being able to function on a day-to-day basis, without giving so much importance to grammar.
We will also find it in the App Store, and although the first lesson is free, the truth is that afterwards it costs a bit high, 21,99 euros per month.
Tandem is a language exchange app, it's a little different. It does not show us exercises, a list of words or a virtual class, but rather connects us with another user of the application, sometimes native German, or with similar interests. In this case you offer your knowledge of your mother tongue.
You can make calls, chats, voice messages and video calls, exercises that will be very useful for us to overcome fear and shame when we start to speak another language.
In the application we will create a profile, as if it were a social network, and we will put which languages we know, which ones we want to learn, interests and hobbies.
In other applications we have different levels of difficulty according to our level, but remember that in Tandem we connect directly with another person, so if you are a complete newbie, this may not be the best option for you.
As always we will find the application in the App Store, and it offers us a free session, but then it will be time to check out.
Preply, perhaps the best app
Preply is a language learning platform highly valued by its users. It is much more personalized, another level of application, since it connects students with teachers, to make classes or individual video calls, 1 to 1.
When opening the application, we will have to log in, register and provide some information, such as the country of origin, the time available or the price we would be willing to pay.
After we choose a teacher based on the language that we want to learn, German in this case, and we start classes.
Keep in mind that teachers also set their own prices, which usually range between 20 and 50 euros.
The application offers guarantees, both for the teacher and for the student, in case there is a problem during the session, or it simply won't take place.
The application is found in the App Store.
And that's it, this is the list of the best applications to learn German, which we have liked the most so that you can learn German. Remember that, although some of them are paid, they offer us the possibility of trying them for free.
If you are also learning a language, let us know in the comments which apps you use to learn it.