Apple wants to use Gemini AI

Apple wants to use Gemini AI

With every news that comes out about artificial intelligence, there is barely time to assimilate the new implementations that are currently being made, some giant steps at a technological level, which is often difficult to understand, especially due to its great value in terms of having it on our favorite devices. Apple , one of the most powerful AIs of the moment.

We do not refer as not to the one developed by Google, where a few weeks ago we saw how Gemini AI it is already being used iPhone, although not natively, something that represents a milestone in terms of functionality, since Apple is definitely betting on having the Artificial Intelligence, as a native feature of their future mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets.

Gemini AI and its potential in all types of devices 

Apple wants to use Gemini AI

La Gemini app which can now be used in a browser, represents a further advance in the world of AI, which since the appearance of ChatGPT, represented a surprising advance due to the enormous possibilities it offers for all types of users, who can now resort to these artificial intelligence to consult on any topic, and interact in an almost human way,…or at least for the moment.

Among the different options that are currently on the market regarding AI, Apple have seen an excellent option in Gemini, and it is already in advanced conversations with Google (owner of Alphabet, which is the developer of Gemini) to be able to use its generative artificial intelligence engine, natively, on the different devices of the apple brand. This movement represents a significant change in the AI ​​landscape, with implications for both Apple and Google, two leaders in the technological world.

The advantages of using Gemini on all types of Apple devices, it seems to be the main objective for a long time, since they want to have a native assistant on devices like an iPhone, something like SIRI, but with a much more spectacular potential and functionality, which allows all types of queries to be made, with the support of a giant like Google itself.

When Gemini AI could be incorporated

With the arrival of iOS 18, Apple is facing one of the most significant updates in its history, and the native implementation of artificial intelligence It could mark a turning point, which if not done with guarantees, could mean falling behind its competitors, including Google, the developer of Gemini itself.

ChatGPT discarded by Apple, the possible agreement between Apple and Google reflects the need, or almost urgency, of Apple not to be left behind in the race that is currently open for Generative AI. Something that is little known at the moment, but if you take a look at what it can do, almost as if it were a person, it is extremely scary due to its great potential.

What is generative AI 

La generative artificial intelligence that Gemini will use, is a type of AI that specializes in create new and original content, such as images, text or even music, based on previously learned patterns, the result of providing existing data, conversations, all in a contextualized way.

This AI can generate creative content, very realistic and almost human, being barely differentiable from human creation unless otherwise indicated. The interesting thing about this is that they are used in various applications, from the creation of art, musical songs, to scientific research. However, its use obviously poses ethical and security challenges due to the possibility of creating false or misleading content.

Using Gemini natively 

Previously we saw that Apple wants Gemini to use it natively on its devices, especially the iPhone, that is, with this and in a simple way, what Apple wants is to look for an AI that works locally, without needing to be connected to the cloud, as if it were a SIRI but super evolved, that uses Generative AI for various functions.

Using Gemini natively involves running algorithms and AI processes directly on our iPhone, without having to go to Google, which provides very interesting advantages such as greater speed, privacy and operation without even connection. Something that, for example, is not currently possible with the current iPhone and the current IOS, but is expected to be implemented shortly with future updates and iPhone models that will be released on the market.

In short, if everything goes correctly, and if the negotiations about Gemini are successful, an official announcement is expected later this year, possibly during Apple's developer conference in June. News that will be particularly relevant, since Tim Cook has promised important developments in AI during this year that will greatly revolutionize the nibbled apple community, which arouses great interest in the technological community in general, when two giants such as Apple and Google.

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