Today is beta day in Cupertino. A little over an hour ago, someone in Apple Park pressed a key, and new software has been released in beta for most Apple devices, and among them, the second beta of MacOS Ventura 13.2.
So the developers of applications for the different Apple devices already have work to test their current projects in these betas. And specifically that of Macs, providing some interesting news.
Four weeks after the release of the first beta of MacOS Ventura 13.2 for developers, Apple has released the second version of it. A new beta that is already available to install on the Macs intended for such tests.
As always, Apple-authorized developers can now update their Macs to this second beta version of Mac OS Ventura 13.2. as usual, by entering the Apple Developer Center website with your authorized developer account.
macOS Ventura 13.2 has a significant innovation compared to the current version that all users have installed on our Macs compatible with MacOS Ventura. It is the holder for the security keys for the Apple ID, allowing its users to verify their identity with physical hardware instead of a digital device code.
The security keys They offer increased protection for your Apple ID, replacing the current verification codes that appear on a secondary device when you sign in to a new device, sign in to iCloud, shop at the Apple Store, and more.
So there is less to go until the tests of MacOS Ventura 13.2 in its beta phases are over and Apple releases the final version. In this way, all users can update our compatible Macs and adapt to the new security key system.