Apple releases beta 7 for macOS Big Sur developers

macOS Big Sur Beta

When we were all waiting for the official version of macOS 11 Big Sur Apple releases version 7 for developers operating system of our Macv And this means that the Cupertino company is delaying the release of the final version at least until next week or even the first of October.

And we usually have the GM (Golden Master) version just a week before the release of the final version, but this year on iOS 14, iPadOS, tvOS and watchOS GM versions have arrived one day before the release of the final version for all users, so this option cannot be ruled out either.

This may take longer than expected

For now there are no indications that the operating system is malfunctioning, has bugs that do not allow its final launch or similar, but it seems that we could have to wait at least one more week until the official version of the system is released. At the moment in the new version what is clear is that some bugs are fixed and stability is improved, there is not much else that we can see stand out from the notes on this new version 7.

It is time to continue waiting for the final version and this is increasingly frequent in macOS, we always lag behind in the releases of the final versions. It's not that it's a bad thing, far from it, we prefer a stable and fully functional version than a version released with haste and bugs, but we want to mess with the final version of macOS 11 Big Sur or not?

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